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当你探索弗吉尼亚理工大学布莱克斯堡校区时, 参观以下地点,花一些时间与大学的各种公共艺术作品.

Cheatham Hall

Wooden Kopjafa memorial by Levente Denes

维吉尼亚理工大学的官员将西弗吉尼亚大学的一座木制雕塑献给了4月16日的遇难者, 2007, tragedy. 这座雕刻的纪念碑矗立在布莱克斯堡校区自然资源学院切塔姆大厅的入口外.

仿照匈牙利传统纪念碑设计, the 14 ½ foot-tall, 这个重达600磅的木制雕塑是由Levente Denes在构思和形式上创作的, 戴维斯农业学院可持续生物材料副教授, Natural Resources, and Design at West Virginia University. The work was dedicated in June 2009.

Lane Stadium

Frank Beamer statue by Tom Gallo

这座雕像是根据弗吉尼亚理工大学访客委员会的决议建造的,以感谢弗兰克·比默教练对弗吉尼亚理工大学和体育项目的贡献. 这项工作是特别委托的,矗立在雷恩体育场的穆迪旗杆广场上. It was dedicated in 2018.

Moss Arts Center

Lyle the Frog, part of the 16 Frogs series by Christine Kosiba

16尊青铜青蛙雕像被战略性地放置在布莱克斯堡镇和周边地区,以引起人们对市中心街道和建筑物周围的淡水的关注. 莫斯艺术中心的青蛙是以老约翰·莱尔的名字命名的. and John Lyle Jr.19世纪,一对父子在这座山上拥有一所学校. 1872年,这所学校被改建为一所学院,并发展成为弗吉尼亚理工大学. The 16 Frogs 2016年和2017年,这些雕像被安置在莫斯艺术中心和布莱克斯堡附近.

Norris Hall

Polytech Marker by Beverly Pepper

Polytech Marker was designed in 1983 by artist Beverly Pepper, 美国雕塑家,以其将工业金属融入景观的特定场地项目而闻名. 在弗吉尼亚理工大学校友约翰. Farquaharson. Steve Bickley, 建筑与城市研究学院视觉艺术学院名誉教授, 他与佩珀和比克利的一群学生密切合作,创作了一组青铜雕塑, steel, and iron. While Pepper designed the pieces, 比克利和他的学生制作了木制图案,这些图案将用作这些作品的模具. To complete the project, they worked with Thistle Foundry in Bluefield, Virginia, to cast the sculptures. When Farquaharson, the foundry owner, 发现这些作品是在比克利和他的学生的帮助下创作的, he suggested they make one for the university. As a result, Polytech Marker 是Farquaharson创作并赠送给弗吉尼亚理工大学的吗, Pepper, Thistle Foundry, and foundry manager Jay Kelly.

Solitude and Fraction House

门槛:理解网上赌博网站十大排行复杂的过去,重新连接网上赌博网站十大排行分层的历史 by Carrie Gault

Thresholds 包括四对高10.5英尺、重1800磅的门槛,安装在孤独的场地上. The thresholds are adorned with more than 2,000 hand-crafted, 手绘粘土瓦片,描绘了250多年的大学和地区历史. Thresholds 是弗吉尼亚理工大学历史委员会举办的国际竞赛的结果委托的两件作品之一吗. The work was dedicated in 2022.

Think on These Things by Charlie Brouwer

Think on These Things 包括四个真人大小的人物雕塑,坐在长凳上沉思和冥想, which could also seat at least 10 visitors. 长凳上的空白空间邀请游客坐下来,与雕刻在长凳上的人物一起沉思, such as “Indigenous,” “slavery,” “diversity,” “equality,” “education,” “history,” and “knowledge.” Additional words — “kindness,” “compassion,” “honesty,” “dignity,” “bravery,” “clarity,和“同理心”——刻在圆圈旁边的石头上,暗示了思考这些事情的方式. Think on These Things 是弗吉尼亚理工大学历史委员会举办的国际竞赛的结果委托的两件作品之一吗. The work was dedicated in 2022.



This statue of William Addison Caldwell, a Craig County resident, 1872年,他步行26英里报名成为第一个学生. 这位受欢迎的学员主修农业,当过老师, clerk, and salesman before his death in 1910. The sculpture, which was donated by the Class of 1956, 伫立在校友购物中心通往上院的楼梯中间. The work was dedicated in 2006.


Shilo by Jim Sardonis

A generous gift from veterinarian Mark P. Helfat and Mendy Helfat, 劳雷尔山的拉奇蒙特动物医院的老板, New Jersey, 作品的名字是为了纪念海尔法特自己的小猎犬, Shilo; donated in memory of Mark Helfat’s dog-loving parents, Lucile and Bernard Helfat; and was dedicated in September 2018.

Running Together by Gwen Reardon

Running Together is a life-size bronze statue featuring a horse, a dog, and a veterinary student, 由肯塔基州艺术家Gwen Reardon雕刻,并于2005年作为弗吉尼亚-马里兰兽医学院25周年纪念活动的一部分th anniversary celebration. 简·塔尔博特的慷慨使这项工作成为可能,并致力于纪念和纪念理查德·伯里特·塔尔博特, founding dean of the college.

Ready to Serve by Larry Bechtel

The Virginia Law Enforcement K9 Memorial, Ready to Serve, 是一只真人大小的青铜德国牧羊犬,由布莱克斯堡艺术家拉里·贝克特尔雕刻而成,并于2009年投入使用.

War Memorial Chapel

The Pylons by Henry Kries and Charles Rudy

战争纪念教堂的室外上层, originally built in 1960, 包含纪念法庭,有八个雕刻的印第安纳石灰石塔代表, from left to right, Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim (the University motto, "That I May Serve"). Originally built in 1960, the four left pylons were designed by Henry Kries; the right pylons were designed by Charles Rudy.

Public Arts Policy

探索弗吉尼亚理工大学的新公共艺术政策,了解研究生和本科生如何申请在公共和视觉艺术委员会任职, 谁的工作有助于提升大学作为全球创意和艺术目的地的地位.